We provide a wide range of professional, cutting-edge technology to perfect your smile.
Digital Impressions
Say goodbye to traditional impression trays! New digital impression technology, Dentsply Sirona Primescan, uses the most advanced intraoral scanner to take impressions perfect for crowns and bridges.
SureSmile Aligner
We now offer SureSmile teeth alignment services! Call today for a consultation, and get your teeth straight in as soon as five months!
Dentsply Sirona Primescan
The easiest, fastest, and most accurate way to take impressions has arrived! The Dentsply Sirona Primescan has revolutionized various dental processes, such as crown and bridge procedures, as well as SureSmile aligners.
Call today for a consultation! Doctor Levesque will evaluate your teeth, and determine if SureSmile Aligners would be the best alignment process for you. From there, you will have periodic appointments to receive trays that will have your teeth straight in as soon as five months!